Saturday, April 04, 2009

Link Building is All About Variety and Authority

Yes, I learned using this new experiment that I am in regarding link building. That in order to take a website to the top of the search results, you don't really need so much links. Instead, all you need is variety of sources from which you get the links you want to point to a webpage of website.

If you can manage to do this, then I bet that the success rate that you will get impressive results will be higher. Remember that if you are interested to learn more about whatever you do, in my case, link building, you can observe carefully the algorithm of the search engines with respect to giving weight and trust to link pointing to website and rank it high up the results pages.

Right now, I am in to an experiment - Tnomeralc Web Design Toys challenge and this is what I am using today to learn more about link building more than just submitting a webpage or website to link directories.

If yo like this post, then you can read more about my experiment using this Tnomeralc Web Design Toys blog that I am using. On the other hand, you can take a tour at the search and see that I am leading in the results to this experiment.

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